Hello and welcome to out itch.io Profile! We are Chibidragon Studios (Though right now it is only one member). We are a RPGMaker Developer.
Hello! I am Chibiest Dergins! What should I say about myself...
I am a Game Developer, I work on many H-Games using RPGMaker MV, and I am the founder and only Member of Chibidragon Studios. I work slowly to make sure my games work and have interesting things that make them. Currently, the one Project I had going broke down and it has been lost... I cannot recover and the the work I had going... So, I will start from Scratch and instead go for one I have had floating around in my head! I Hope this catches your interest and hopefully you give the support me so I can get games going!
If you are interested in supporting us, then please, either buy our game while its in Development, OR support us on Patreon!