Hello and welcome to out itch.io Profile! We are Chibidragon Studios (Though right now it is only one member). We are a RPGMaker Developer and we are currently working on a single game.
Hello! I am Chibiest Dergins! What should I say about myself... I am a Game Developer, I am currently working on a H-RPG using RPGMaker MV, and I am the founder and only Member of ChibiDragon Studios. Next, lets talk about the Current game I am Developing- Secrets within Nightmares It is a H-Game with heavy RPG Elements using the RPGMaker MV Program, It is inspired by games such as Princess and Conquest Third Crisis Fire Emblem The Souls Series and a few other Games!
You will be playing a character known as 'The Forgotten' who had died and lost their ambitions, memories, and purpose in their life. Being recently revived, you are tasked with Helping people who are lost in the Farshore and Betwixt as well as finding your Forgotten Fragments. This can lead to many situations, and some can be horrible...
I Hope this catches your interest and hopefully you give the support this game needs to get off the ground~!
If you are interested in supporting us, then please, either buy our game while its in Development, OR support us on Patreon!